Ratio Watch 2 hours and 57 mins ago
Given that the tracker has now been stable for more than 24 hours, we would like to make a couple of notes concerning users who went in Ratio Watch or who lost their leeching privileges during the downtime.
We have temporarily added 120 hours to the Ratio Watch period, to compensate for the time during which you were unable to seed last week.
People who feel they have been affected unfairly by the tracker downtime should send a staff PM to staff. Only do this if your leeching privileges are disabled, and were enabled before the tracker started having problems (about a week ago).
Once again, we greatly apologize that the issue took so long to fix; WhyNotMice and porkpiewould like to thank, in alphabetical order, A9, kmoore3, lenrek, skazi, and WhatMan for their assistance.