Japan likes music tooSo, pretty much all of us are aware of the earthquake that hit Japan. And the tsunami that hit Japan. And the nuclear crisis currently hitting Japan. Well, as it turns out, Japanese really like music too. So, let's help them out. There are numerous ways to do this. Ayumi Hamasaki is selling t-shirts, proceeds going to aid efforts. If you live in Japan, you can donate blood, like Utada Hikaru. You can also donate money to the Japanese Red Cross. Or, if you prefer, you can donate to numerous reputable charities through PayPal, Google, or Apple.
If you guys donate a total of 10 million yen toward helping out Japan (via direct donation or purchase), the site will receive a week of free leech. Post a line saying "I've donated!", a screenshot of your receipt, a line with a link to the charity you donated to, and a line with the amount in yen, if you want your contribution counted toward this goal. Additionally, I will transfer upload credit on bitgamer, and yen on animebytes to the largest donor. I don't have much credit on those sites, but I will offer all I have. However, be warned, if your donation looks faked, I will seek further proof it is real.
If you need motivation, have a look at this image. It is very sad, and will likely result in a sniffing of onions, so be cautious.
奉献爱心的时候到了,各位慷慨解囊吧! 我怕日本人不会接受天朝子民的捐款 全场free以示悼念死着…… 我不想发表评论,本人只是一个受着中国教育,看着日本侵华的战争片长大的目光不那么深远,心胸不那么宽阔的中国人! 回复 3# pc爱好者
这这种悼念方式很特别。。 精神上表示支持。。。 哪个发起者是谁啊 天灾啊,我等穷学生只能默默祈祷生者赶快让生活步入正轨,死去的人安息! 天灾啊,我等穷学生只能默默祈祷生者赶快让生活步入正轨,死去的人安息! 额 我只是不小心进来看看的…… 全场free以示悼念死着…… 为什么咱们有难的时候waffles没有捐助 回复 12# btke
因为我们中国人在很多国外PT的贡献都不够大,凭啥要呢?日本人比国人分享精神是强多了。 没事找事!禁此贴。 农夫与蛇……后果堪忧…… 也只能在精神上表示支持.. 唉,谨代表无数中国良民对受灾的日本人民表示同情。想要我捐款,门都没有,死光的话我一高兴也许会烧些纸钱 日本这次灾难确实非常严重,希望不会影响到中国。 不是说日本拒绝中国的援助么。。。 锁了这贴吧,没什么意思…