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[感悟/分享] BCG的SP-FAQ简体中文版,让注册进去的TX能更快了解

2566 21
发表于 2010-8-12 23:40:49 | 显示全部楼层 阅读模式
本帖最后由 prayerfish 于 2010-8-13 00:21 编辑


Welcome to the Seed Points FAQ for Newbies. This FAQ is intended to all users that still have not understood this amazing system yet.
欢迎进入Seed Points(SP)的FAQ。此FAQ意欲方便所有仍不能理解这套“令人惊奇无比”系统的成员(看来SP系统对于BCG意义重大呀)
For detailed information, please read the Official Seed Points FAQ, which is right here:
想了解更多内容,请阅读正式的Seed Points FAQ,链接如下:
So, let's start with the questions.

1、What is the Seed Points mod?
什么是Seed Points?

Our Seed Points mod is an exclusive system that always helps the members to seed their torrents whenever the uploading conditions are too hard.
Since the torrents run out of leechers very fast, sometimes it gets really difficult to seed back the torrent you have just downloaded.
我们的Seed Points是一套高级系统用来帮助BCG的成员在其上传条件很差的情况下可以seed他们的种子。
The Idea behind this is.
If you get on a torrent early, and you upload while your downloading, and upload after you finish, you will never need SP.
But if you jump on a torrent later, and you cant upload because there is not enough leechers, you will not get banned, because the system gives you a 1 ratio, for just staying on the torrent.
And its not months of waiting for another leecher to show up.

2、How can I get the Seed Points?
我如何启用Seed Points?

There are some requirements that must be met so your torrent becomes eligible for the Seed Points mod. All the requirements must be met at the same time, otherwise you will not collect any Seed Points.
有些必要条件是你的torrent有资格被Seed Points系统选中必须要有的,而且所有的条件必须同时达到要求,否则你将得不到Seed Points任何的帮助。(意译)
You must have the full torrent downloaded. If you grab only a small part of it, you will never receive Seed Points.
The individual ratio for the torrent you are seeding must be less than 1.000. If you have a torrent which ratio is Inf. (Infinite), you will not receive Seed Points too, because Infinite is higher than 1.000.
You must not be the torrent Uploader.
You must have the torrent active in your torrent history.
You must have at least 72 hours of active time on the torrent. The active time is the total time that you spent connected to that torrent while downloading and seeding it. Only after the initial 72 hours of active time you will start receiving Seed Points. If the torrent has less than 500MB in size, then you will only need an active time of 36 hours to start collecting Seed Points.
The seeder/leecher ratio must either be equal or higher than 20:1, which means 20 seeders for each leecher. If a torrent has 0 leechers, then you do not have to worry about how many seeders there are, because you will receive Seed Points anyway.
你必须完整下载一个torrent的所有内容。如果你只获取了一部分内容,你将无法得到Seed Points的帮助。
你所做种的torrent的个人分享率必须小于1.000。如果你的有一个torrent分享率为inf,你也得不到Seed Points的协助,因为inf大于1.000。
你必须让torrent的活动时间至少大于72个小时。所谓活动时间是指你花费在这个torrent上下载和做种的所有时间。只有超过72个小时你才能获取到Seed Points的帮助。如果torrent大小低于500MB,你仅仅需要36个小时就可以获取到Seed Points的帮助。
seeder/leecher的比率必须等于或者高于20:1,这就意味着每20个seeder对应一个leecher。如果torrent有0个leecher,你不需要关心该torrent有多少seeder,你将随时获取到Seed Points的帮助。
Let's see some examples:

You can now seed a maximum of 999 torrents regardless of your class and still receive Seed Points. Unlike in the past, the number of torrents you seed does not now restrict whether or not you will receive Seed Points.
无论你是何等级你都可以最大做种999个,同时依旧可以获得Seed Points的协助。这与以前是不同的,此前无论你是否获得 Seed Points的协助,你做种的torrents数量不受限制。

3、Do I receive Seed Points for all torrents I am seeding at the same time?
在同一时间我做种的所有种子是否都能获得 Seed Points?

No. You will only receive Seed Points for 2 torrents of all you are seeding. So, if you are a Power User and seeding 10 torrents at the same time, you will only receive Seed Points for 2 of them at the same time.
Those 2 torrents are automatically chosen by the system, being the ones with lowest individual ratios.
不能。你做种的种子中仅仅只有2个torrents可以获得Seed Points。因此,如果你是Power User而且在同一时间做种10个,你也只能给其中的两个获取Seed Points。

4、How many Seed Points do I get?
我能获取多少个Seed Points?

The amount of Seed Points you receive depends on your connection status.
If you are Connectable, then you will receive 0.25 Seed Points each 15 minutes seeding the torrent.
If you are Unconnectable, then you will receive 0.0625 Seed Points each 15 minutes seeding the torrent.
Of course, the best option is to be Connectable, so if you need to know more about it, please read this:
你获取的Seed Points数目决定于你的连接情况。
如果你是Connectable,你将为做种的torrent每15分钟获得0.25 Seed Points。
如果你是Unconnectable,你将为做种的torrent每15分钟获得0.0625 Seed Points。

5、How long do I need to keep seeding and receiving Seed Points?
我需要保持做种和获取Seed Points多久?

Every torrent has a Cost, which is how many points you will need to collect until you are done seeding it. That Cost is calculated automatically and based on the torrent original size.
For each 100MB in size, 1 point will be added to the torrent Cost, but there is a minimum Cost of 10 points.
So, if you have a torrent with 1GB in size, it's Cost will be 10. Torrents with 5Gb will have a Cost of 50 and so on. But a torrent with 500MB will have a Cost of 10, because of the minimum Cost.
Also, if you upload some data of the torrent while seeding it, that will be used to reduce the torrent Cost, but always respecting the minimum Cost.

6、What happens when I receive as many Seed Points as the torrent Cost?
当我获取到与torrent成本同样多的Seed Points后会怎样?

When this happens, within 15 minutes, the individual ratio for the torrent will be set equal to 1.000, and the upload amount added to the torrent so it could become 1.000 will also be added to your global ratio.

7、Why do I have more Seed Points than the torrent Cost?
为什么我获取的Seed Points多于torrent成本?

This will always happen when you have reached the torrent Cost, but the torrent is no longer eligible for Seed Points. In this case, you will have to keep seeding the torrent until it becomes eligible one last time, so you receive your credits.
这种情况往往发生在你即将达到torrent成本的时候,但是该torrent不再是优先享有 Seed Points的了。假如这样的话,你将不得不保持做种至它不再享有Seed Points的最后一刻,以便你获得应有的积分。

8、When can I stop a torrent?

You can always stop a torrent if it has an individual ratio of at least 0.800. So, if you are collecting Seed Points for a torrent, the moment you have enough points to match the torrent Cost, it will have an individual ratio of 1.000, being safe for you to stop it.
当你的个人分享率至少为0.8时你可以停止做种。因此如果你为一个torrent获取了Seed Points,使它的成本有足够的points匹配的时候,它的分享率为1,你可以放心的对它停止做种。

9、Where can I see the Seed Points?
在哪我能看到Seed Points?

They are listed in your user details page. To access that page, you will have to click on your user name at the top left corner of the tracker site.
Then, click on the the link right next to the field "Currently seeding". The last two columns are used to show Seed Points info.
然后选中"Currently seeding",最后两列即用来显示Seed Points的信息。
You can also click on the link "View SP details" to have more detailed info on the torrents you are seeding, regarding Seed Points.
你也可以选中“"View SP details”来得到更多的使用到 Seed Points的 torrents详细信息。


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dgpqllLv.8 发表于 2010-8-12 23:50:21 | 显示全部楼层
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wdxhc@2Lv.6 发表于 2010-8-12 23:56:20 | 显示全部楼层
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neozjxLv.8 发表于 2010-8-13 00:04:57 | 显示全部楼层
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p908005Lv.8 发表于 2010-8-13 00:05:13 | 显示全部楼层
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eacfeverLv.7 发表于 2010-8-13 00:23:40 | 显示全部楼层
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dsy4848Lv.10 发表于 2010-8-13 00:39:12 | 显示全部楼层
唉 真是可惜了 完了一步没有在BCG注册成功  翻译倒是很好
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dj1211Lv.10 发表于 2010-8-13 00:50:15 | 显示全部楼层
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zdexstrvlgonLv.10 发表于 2010-8-13 01:09:10 | 显示全部楼层
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dreamlazuriteLv.8 发表于 2010-8-13 01:38:59 | 显示全部楼层
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woaiwuxuanLv.7 发表于 2010-8-13 02:13:25 | 显示全部楼层
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masseurLv.6 发表于 2010-8-13 06:25:49 | 显示全部楼层
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xlfdxd@2Lv.8 发表于 2010-8-13 08:56:38 | 显示全部楼层
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hitman47Lv.4 发表于 2010-8-13 09:09:17 | 显示全部楼层
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shannon@2Lv.5 发表于 2010-8-13 09:24:42 | 显示全部楼层
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tc_424Lv.4 发表于 2010-8-13 09:32:15 | 显示全部楼层
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hbqczl1989@2Lv.9 发表于 2010-8-13 10:54:33 | 显示全部楼层
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ljkjbLv.4 发表于 2010-8-13 11:04:38 | 显示全部楼层
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sparkcat@2Lv.5 发表于 2010-8-13 11:39:21 | 显示全部楼层
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