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[PT封神榜] [国外]PwnNetwork站点简介[更新于2011/06/08]

3776 1
发表于 2010-5-27 13:52:31 | 显示全部楼层 阅读模式
本帖最后由 sherry 于 2011-6-7 22:09 编辑



老:http://ntorrents.net/   输入这个地址会自动跳转到新地址





libtorrent 0.11.x (rtorrent)
libtorrent 0.12.x (rtorrent)
KTorrent 3.1x
KTorrent 3.2x
Transmission 1.7.x
BitTornado 0.3x
uTorrent 1.8.5
Azureus 4.2x
Azureus 4.3x
Deluge 1.21
KTorrent 2.1x
KTorrent 2.2x
KTorrent 3.0x
uTorrentMac 0.9x
Transmission 1.8.x
Transmission 1.92
uTorrent 2.0.1
uTorrent 2.0.2

Golden Rules

  • Do not defy the expressed wishes of the staff. 不要挑战管理员的权威。
  • Access to this website is a privilege, not a right, and it can be taken away from you for any reason. 进入本站是你的荣幸,不是你的权利,我们有任何理由将你踢出。
  • Staff decisions are final. Arguing about those decisions is hazardous for you account. 管理员的决定取最终决定作用。争论只会造成对你的账号不利。
  • One account per person per lifetime. Anyone creating additional accounts will be banned. 每个自然人只允许使用一个账号,注册马甲者,ban!
  • Avatars must be safe for work, non-pornographic or semi-pornographic, and not even slightly offensive. Use common sense. 头像不能违反版规。
  • Do not share any custom files with any other tracker. Customs are Ntorrents exclusives and we have uploaders working hard to bring you something special at Ntorrents. If we find one of our customs on any other tracker (and we will find them if they are uploaded) The uploading user will be banned. 不要把custom files拿到其他站点去分享,Coustoms是Ntorrents的独家资源,我们的上传員努你工作为你带来的一些特色东西。如果我们在其他站点发现我们的customs资源(我们会找出他们的,如果他们被上传了)上传的用户将被ban掉。
  • Do not post our .torrent files on other sites. Every .torrent file has your personal passkey embedded in it. The tracker will automatically disable your account if you share your torrent files with others. You will not get your account back. This doesn't prohibit you sharing the content on other sites, just the .torrent file. 不要将本站下载的种子到处传播,上面含有你的个人信息。一经发现,你的账户即被删除,不予找回。种子的内容介绍可以在其他地方分享。
  • This is a torrent site which promotes sharing amongst the community. If you are not willing to give back to the community what you take from it, this site is not for you. In other words, we expect you to have an acceptable share ratio. If you download a torrent, please, seed the copy you have until there are sufficient people seeding as well before you stop. 下载前应注意分享率原则。
  • Trading, selling or offering invites in public is strictly prohibited, and will get you permanently banned. 交易,倒卖,或者在公共地方提供邀请是绝对禁止的,而且会让你永久的被ban掉!
  • Trading, selling or giving away your account is prohibited as well. Delete it if you no longer want it.  交易,倒卖,或者是放弃你的帐号也是被禁止的。如果你不需要它,就把它删了。
  • You're completely responsible for the people you invite. If your invitees are caught cheating or trading/selling invites, not only will they be banned, so will you. Be careful who you invite. Invites are a precious commodity. 你对邀请的人具有连带责任。如果你邀请的人被抓住作弊,你们都将被删除。邀请前请注意这一点。
  • We're a community. Working together is what makes this place what it is. The staff aren't psychic. If you come across something which violates a rule, report it! Ignoring it is only damaging the community.
  • We respect the wishes of other sites here, as we wish for them to do the same. Please refrain from posting links or full names of sites that do not want to be mentioned.

用户等级User Classes
Moving up in the ranks at ntorrents means a lot of things now. It doesn't just mean you get a couple invites. It means you now have proven yourself a responsible member of the community and we are going to reward you for such. Don't get us wrong you still get invites but you also get a whole lot more.
Class NameMinimum UploadMinimum ratioDemoted when ratio falls belowMinimum time as a memberAutomaticInvitesOther Information
Ratio WatchPlease see the ratio watch rules section for further information.
Nintendo DSDefault class See ratio watch rules.----None----Yes----You get nothing special for this class----
Game Cube30GB1.050.954 weeksYes----None----Can edit torrent descriptions, the wiki. Can set forum signatures. Has access to a special forum.
Wii60GB2.001.758 weeksYesRefreshed with 1 invites when staff issue invites (max 1).Same as previous but can view the top 10, can see the site log, request custom vhost for the IRC, and has access to more special forums.
EliteIt's a secret. YesRefreshed with 1 invites when staff issue invites (max 1).Has access to all forums & can upload torrents!
VIPA valued member of this or any recognized torrent community. NoRefreshed with 1 invites when staff issue invites (max 1).Has access to all forums & can upload torrents!
UploaderNot Applicable NoVirtually unlimited.Must apply by PMing a Staff Leader or administrator. You must have a 10mbit upstream as well as 0day topsite access in order to be considered.
EnforcerEnforcers are community moderators dedicated to beefing up torrent descriptions (boxart, screenshots), brainstorming, finding and adding new articles to the Wiki, keeping tags and descriptions clean - essentially they are dedicated to making Ntorrents your best Nintendo resource on the internet. If you want to be a member of this team PM a current staff member explaining how you can contribute.
News TeamOur News Team is in charge of searching the entire world for news of upcomming games, homebrew, and hardware. They dedicate enourmous amounts of time collecting all the nintendo news you could ever possibly want. If you want to be a member of this team PM a current staff member explaining how you can contribute.
ModeratorModerates the forums and/or torrents. Don't ask us we will ask you.
Site ModHandles all daily account/staff issues aside from moderating.
AdministratorYour worst nightmare, or your best friend.

分享率要求:Ratio Watch
Ratio watch is our way of making sure that everyone contributes back to the site. When you download a certain amount of data, you must keep your share ratio above a corresponding level. The levels are as follows:
Amount downloadedMinimum ratioExtra info
0-10GB--None--Initial grace period for all users
10-20GB0.20Ratio watch starts applying here.



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troy_dong 发表于 2010-5-27 19:39:11 | 显示全部楼层
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