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[官方消息] 【FL】两个公告

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发表于 2023-3-31 22:29:32 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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Dragii nostri, doua anunturi.

1. Recrutarile in echipa playTV sunt din nou deschise. Cei care sunteti interesati puteti citi acest topic mai in detaliu. Mereu cautam talente noi care sa faca parte din echipa noastra minunata si care isi pot lasa amprenta in aceasta comunitate magnifica. Daca aveti intrebari, puteti posta in acel topic.

Forum topic: Recrutari playTV

2. In ultimele luni de zile s-au inchis doua mari site-uri de unde userii nostri puteau achiziona Bitcoin: LocalBitcoins si LocalCryptos. Am inlocuit tutorialele lor cu alte tutoriale noi, in special cel cu Binance si cel cu LocalCoinSwap. Link-urile catre tutoriale sunt pe pagina de donatii.

Ce este important de fapt de mentionat este ca daca folositi Binance sau Coinbase, chiar daca este necesar sa faceti verificarea identitatii ca la orice casa de schimb sau banca pentru a preveni frauda, donatia catre FileList este 100% anonima si sigura.

Donatia se face catre o adresa unica de Bitcoin care este folosita o singura data, dupa care toate tranzactiile noastre sunt anonimizate si se rupe orice legatura dintre cel care a donat, omul de pe Binance sau Coinbase care a trimis Bitcoin si FileList. Deci riscul pentru utilizatorii nostri este inexistent, sunteti 100% protejati chiar daca cumparati Bitcoin cu o identitate reala, de la un exchange renumit si sigur cum este Binance sau Coinbase.

In 2023 se vorbeste foarte des de Bitcoin si cryptomonede, deci puteti folosi tutorialele acelea si pentru a va documenta si a va educa despre crypto si despre cum functioneaza un asemenea exchange de cryptomonede.

Multumim inca o data tuturor celor care sustin comunitatea luna de luna si fac posibila mentinerea in viata a acestui site minunat.

FileList Staff

Forum topic: Announcement!

Dear ones, two announcements.

1. Recruitment for our playTV team is now open. If you are interested you can read this topic for more details. We are always looking for new talents that can join our wonderful team and leave their mark in this magnificent community.
If you have any questions you can post them in that topic.

Forum topic: Recrutari playTV

2. The past few months two big sites that made purchasing of Bitcoin possible had shut down: LocalBitcoins and LocalCryptos. We replaced those tutorials with new ones, one with Binance and one with LocalCoinSwap. Links for those tutorials can be found on the donations page.

What is important to note is the fact that even if you use Binance or Coinbase to purchase Bitcoin and you have to verify your identity and do KYC/AML checks to prevent fraud, your donation to FileList is 100% anonymous and private.

Your donation is made to a unique Bitcoin address each time and it is used only one time. After that all our transactions are anonymized and any link to the person that donated is broken, the person from Binance or Coinbase that sent the Bitcoin and FileList. So the risk for our users is non-existent, you are 100% protected even if you purchase Bitcoin with a real identity from a safe and renowned exchange like Binance or Coinbase.

In 2023 Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are a well-known topic of discussion, so you can use those tutorials to document and educate yourself even more about Crypto and how a cryptocurrencies exchange like that works.

Thank you once again to all those that support this community each month and make the existence of this amazing website possible.

FileList Staff





捐赠将发送到一个唯一的比特币地址,该地址仅使用一次,之后我们所有的交易都是匿名的,捐赠者与币安或Coinbase上发送比特币和FileList的人之间的任何连接都将断开。因此,我们用户的风险是不存在的,即使您以真实身份从币安或 Coinbase 等著名且安全的交易所购买比特币,您也会受到 100% 的保护。

在 2023 年,有很多关于比特币和加密货币的讨论,因此您还可以使用这些教程来记录和教育自己有关加密货币以及这种加密货币交换的工作原理。




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