Neutral LeechWe hope you enjoyed the April Fools staff picks, but the festivities aren't over yet. We'd like to introduce Neutral Leech, in which neither upload nor download counts toward your stats. We feel that recent Freeleech events have been geared far more to the mass downloading of anything in order to facilitate an immediate gain in buffer than to obtaining and sharing the music you love. Ultimately What.CD is about sharing, and getting the music to people that want it, and whilst in an ideal world we wouldn't need a ratio system the reality is that it ensures things remain seeded. For the next 48 hours, however, there will be no upload or download counted on all music torrents, and we will instead rely entirely on the good will of everyone to continue to seed and contribute to the atmosphere of sharing that has got us where we are. Please consider this an opportunity to gorge on the music you love, and build your seeding library for the future in the process.
Just to ensure that there's no confusion, this is not an April Fool's prank, and everything will be free to download from the second that you read this announcement. Furthermore, all seeding requirements will remain in place for those who rely on them for lower ratios.
Enjoy the music, and keep sharing!
Please note that a few things may not yet be marked as this, wait until it says on the torrent page that it's neutral leech.
说简单了,就是下你想下的,只要种子边上写着Neutral Leech,那么这个种子就是不计上传和下载的,可以随便下载。
呃,bt模式啊,挺不错的 没号的飘过..... 赶紧了,昨天上传没抢到什么 谢谢了,非常羡慕啊。。。。。。 木号 木号。。。。{:2_124:} 我也没号,有号的通知抓紧啊 木号的飘过~{:2_126:}居然变成BT模式~还真是会玩啊~ 7楼得头像让我真想吐啊。。 这。。。不计上传。。。 嘿嘿,昨天刷了30g,改天发几个资源,就pu了… 昨天挣了3G上传量,不错了,小管子,哈{:1_95:} 音&乐网站还是以后再考虑吧,先要把CHD的邀请码搞定。 对昨天的疯狂刷buffer的回应啊 希望啥时候开放注册! 真的假的啊?马上看看去! 现在挤到连浏览页面都要多按几次 F5 了。 好羡慕,听说都是正版的 居然连上传也不计了。。
看看。。 都打不开了,郁闷