转自T-IIts with big sadness that we in staff have decided to close ViPmusicforever. The reason for closing is that we have all come
to a part inlife where we don't have the time and interest anymore to run the site.When ViPmusic was first started we were
a tight group with loads ofcrazy ideas and the site was fastly recognised as the Mp3 site withfastest pre and biggest
collections out there.
During the years alot has changed for all involved afk we have all gotten older meaningthat we are not just some kiddies
with loads of free time anymore, instead we arenow all college and university students or having a job and family thatrequires
our time instead of ViPmusic. During the years of runningViPmusic alot of other trackers evolved, when we started ViPmusic
almostno other trackers had an mp3 section. But since then a lot has changed,today almost all major trackers have an mp3
section that is permanentlyfree leech. This has created a lack of interest from the once so biguser base. In 2006 when site
was at its peak we had over 25k activemembers everyday today its only about 1000ppl using the site.
Thisis a sign to us that there is almost no interest and probably not anyneed for a scene mp3 only tracker in the year of 2011.
In thefuture, MP3 releases as well as those from other music categories, willbe auto uploaded on https://heavensource.org/ and invites will be sentout to all members.
Thanks for all the time everyone has spent here on ViPmusic,
Your Staff
原先25000人,现在只有1000人了啊有木有!!!!! 看不懂英文,是不是要关站吗 这网站将要不存在了,邀请你们去另外一个站。。 难道这将是所有站点最终的结果吗 哎,musicthenet,mp3scene都是短命鬼...vipmusic也来了... 找mp3根本也不用进PTtorrentday的mp3 就是免费
更别说 为了mp3 还要顾分享率 保档网盘下载就好了 有是咆哮体...{:2_126:}
这站没去过...0day的mp3够了 {:3_242:}翻译很给力 翻译妙绝,咆哮体! 楼主别激动,大不了再换一个呗~ 关就关吧,后继有人的啊!哈哈 我表示很遗憾啊{:3_218:} 我对英文表示很大的鸭梨 翻译妙绝,咆哮体! 楼主的咆哮体翻译太强悍了 这里都是高人呀。这个能看懂么 喜欢楼主的翻译,就钟爱手中的lztr。 前来围观楼主的神翻译 这是什么PT站关于音&乐的吗