CN RIP...關站了
For those that have wondered what was going on...The site will not be back. Due to personal, technical, and other unforeseen circumstances the site put on some cement shoes and is now swimming with the fishes.Thanks to all that have helped it in the past and present!
For those that are not rejoicing, remember that this is simply one aspect of the Internet and fortunately for all of us there are other sites to go around...
From personal experience I would highly recommend iTS, PtN, and goem to fill your movie tracker void. Yes, there are others, but these are ones I am a member of and hope to see you there!
Have a great holiday season! Later!
恩,一個知名的隱藏站,沒有進去的機會了...{:2_125:} "一個知名的隱藏站", 多么矛盾的一句话阿。。。
就和最熟悉的陌生人差不多。 will not be back...
{:3_201:} 叹气。。。曾经进去过,但因为半个月没上线被kick了。。邮箱里现在还留着当时的邀请函 {:3_331:}一声叹息~~ “一個知名的隱藏站”
额~~还没进去啊,可惜就关了 只有一句感叹:生存不容易 楼主在哪里看到的消息啊? CN?是Cosa***那个CN啊? PT的前途真是令人堪忧啊 这个站还真是诡异
也好,省了一个要打酱油的站 可惜了。。。。哎 杯具啊 {:2_127:} 网络就是这样,谁坚持到最后谁就是winer 可惜。。。。悲剧了 安心的去吧............. "一個知名的隱藏站", 多么矛盾的一句话阿。。。
xtfllbl 发表于 2010-12-10 09:29
对哈,知名...隐藏...看着很有诱惑力 {:5_534:}{:5_534:}{:5_534:}~~~可惜了~~~哎~~~{:5_534:}{:5_534:}{:5_534:} 关了么可惜了~~~ 到底是个什么站,没人解释一下吗?