Jelly Fin 分享 for x86 Qnap (Plex Emby)
JellyfinJellyfin is a Free Software Media System that puts you in control of managing and streaming your media. It is an alternative to the proprietary Emby and Plex, to provide media from a dedicated server to end-user devices via multiple apps.Jellyfin is descended from Emby's 3.5.2 release and ported to the .NET Core framework to enable full cross-platform support.
There are no strings attached, no premium licenses or features, and no hidden agendas: just a team who want to build something better and work together to achieve it.
Caution : to make DLNA working you must disable upnpd service first on your NAS
since : Jellyfin support hw transcoding over libvaapi or quicksync if you have QMultimedia installed your NAS
just set ffmpeg binaryto /opt/QMultimedia/bin/ffmpeg
Your gratitude and finance will help me to continue integration of Jellyfin and maintain up to date versions.
Credits forJellyFin dev.
前几年在QNAPCLUB 买的,买完后感觉并不好用,一晃过了一年多了。
这个版本是2020 08 24 更新的,感觉比之前好很多,特地分享下。
QPKG Information
[*]Updated2020-08-24 10:42:14
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感谢分享。谢谢 下来试试
学习学习,试下 感谢楼主! 看看!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 更新得怎么样了
感谢分享。谢谢 感谢楼主分享,下载看看 谢谢分享,,, 看看我能不能用 学习!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 据说docker版本经常出问题,改qpkg版本 2343243 23423 432 5 234234 323