本人刚刚得到一个http://hd-bits.ro邀请,首页上写着 checkout mybonus.php and exchange your bonus points as you desire. Enjoy your stay!。可是找不到mybonus这个选项啊。请高人指点那里可以兑换积分?谢谢、 布吉岛,帮顶{:7_709:} 我去看了一下,怎么没看到你说的那个啊{:7_754:} 木有號! 樓下繼續! {:7_737:} pengmingsong 发表于 2013-4-24 10:45 static/image/common/back.gif我去看了一下,怎么没看到你说的那个啊
没有我说的哪个?你说这个消息是吗? 飘过,没看明白 05.04.2013 - Invites
Added the above top 10 invites chart as of 2013-04-13.Go to the forums contest area or click on the following forum link to discuss or see the updated chart once it is posted.
Forum link: Top 10 Inviters Contest
Every user has received 1000 invites. Please use them as you wish, as you'll risk nothing for inviting bad users. We will take care of them later and you don't have to worry about your account anymore as during this time you will not be responsible for your invitees. Invites will be taken away as soon as we reach 30.000 registered users. After that, invites will be given only to V.I.P.+ classes. Also, if you have invited 500 users please PM a Sysop to checkout your invite tree count and to reward you with a lifetime V.I.P. membership. Thanks for your help.
Also, a friendly reminder for the new user with necessary means, if you wish to become an uploader, please feel free to apply here.
Also, for the new registered users, pay attention to the 10 days rule, we have a system that disables the accounts that have no traffic. So start using your accounts in order to avoid disabling. As a reward for keeping our torrents alive, checkout mybonus.php and exchange your bonus points as you desire. Enjoy your stay!
Another friendly short notice, starting from April 16th 2013, please do not, under any circumstances giveaway hd-bits invites on FST (filesharingtalk).We hate that "looney tunes" place and its kind of ex-staffers like IdolEyes787 for being so rude and disrespectful towards our staffers.So, giving away invites there may jeopardize your hd-bits account, meaning that it might be disabled sooner or later if we find out.
terminal98 发表于 2013-4-24 11:27 static/image/common/back.gif
是啊,我去没看到啊 pengmingsong 发表于 2013-4-24 11:42 static/image/common/back.gif
晕 这是首页消息呀 terminal98 发表于 2013-4-24 11:50 static/image/common/back.gif
晕 这是首页消息呀
难道我眼瞎了{:2_100:} 在你的浏览器输入这个网址你看到的是什么?http://hd-bits.ro/ pengmingsong 发表于 2013-4-24 11:51 static/image/common/back.gif
在你的浏览器 输入这个网址http://hd-bits.ro/ 你看到的是什么? pengmingsong 发表于 2013-4-24 11:51 static/image/common/back.gif
http://hd-bits.ro/index.php 在你的浏览器输入这个网址 你看到的是什么? http://hd-bits.ro/mybonus.php{:7_754:} xf2 发表于 2013-4-24 12:24 static/image/common/back.gif
{:1_87:} 请问大神哪里找到的兑换按钮呀?谢谢 我朋友说这个是垃圾站,不要也罢 hdfan1989 发表于 2013-4-24 19:30 static/image/common/back.gif
哦谢谢提醒 其实仔细一想也是打酱油的站点,国内混好了其实资源都差不多了