本帖最后由 xf1 于 2013-3-18 21:09 编辑We're live!
That's right. STP is no longer in beta. We've been in beta for a while, but now we're opening up to a wider audience. We are eternally grateful and appreciative to all of the beta users who helped us build content, iron out the bugs, and make the site what it is. We wouldn't be able to go live at all if it hadn't been for all of you. Just because we are ending the beta doesn't mean will still won't find things that don't work quite as intended, so please continue to report to the staff anything that seems off. Thank you for being part of our beta.
To celebrate the launch, we're handing out swag.
Beta Member Class
All members who participated in the beta have been given a "Beta Member" secondary class as a small token of our gratitude for putting up with us for this long. You can see the "β" next to your username in the forums and "Beta Member" listed under your class on your profile.
The core of any tracker is its community, and we want you to help expand STP's community. To do this, we're giving everybody some invites to give to your friends.
User: 5 invites
Member: 10 invites
Power User: 15 invites
Elite: 20 invites
Last but most certainly not least, everything on STP is freeleech for the next week.
And who knows? There might be more later!
刷刷刷{:7_735:} 还是注册晚了{:7_738:}
刚刚注册成功的,没有邀请{:7_716:} 天草薰 发表于 2013-3-18 20:36 static/image/common/back.gif
{:7_751:}大婶收割机 刷子受割狐 那个电子书站?
坐等限时腰。,。{:7_746:} 标题{:7_750:} Geass-CC 发表于 2013-3-18 20:39 static/image/common/back.gif
不是大神,上次套套推荐这站的时候,就应该收的{:7_716:} 天草薰 发表于 2013-3-18 20:47 static/image/common/back.gif
{:7_751:}主要是那时人太少了吧,几百个而已 Geass-CC 发表于 2013-3-18 20:49 static/image/common/back.gif
现在注册也没有邀请拿了{:7_716:} 天草薰 发表于 2013-3-18 20:50 static/image/common/back.gif
{:7_751:}等下次撒 有网址么 度娘表示也没有 谢谢了 spiritsl 发表于 2013-3-18 21:50 static/image/common/back.gif
有网址么 度娘表示也没有 谢谢了
现在的帖子改革真烦人啊,找不到连接{:2_132:} 感谢告知 https://www.stopthepress.es/