有人在reddit 上这样说:啥 上面有54万2869 个艺术家发行的67万 2841张专辑,每种专辑的每个版本,连德国发行的黑胶这样的版本都有;爆米花 有7万1228个电影,KG 有11万4023 个冷僻罕见电影,包括12个吉尔吉斯斯坦电影。现在有那么多pt,里面有各种电视剧、游戏。电子书,他们都以各种有序的方式保存了文明,保存了信息,花销不大,基本都有热心的人资源去做,服务也比我周边的公共图书馆好。可惜这些站点并不“合法”,进入门槛不低,而且很有可能某一天忽然消失,不再存在。我真心希望有一天这些网站的价值能得到承认。
回复里面有乐观的,有悲观的,不过有意思的是, 有人摘引了 啥 的一位高层(?)在论坛里面的话(帖子id是153062)
面临最近版权组织的压力,gov 以及gov 之间的弄死bt、pt站的行动,我们不得不对一些攒啊攒刷啊刷的用户说一些话,不想冒犯,可是我们真的需要面对一个事实:
啥 是不可能永远开下去的。
哎,该说什么好呢 PT并不鼓励过高的分享率 尘归尘,土归土~~
{:7_734:} 没有刷子下载速度也提不上来 我上次翻译what公告的时候也有“不能刷”这样的话呢 速度还得靠刷子
接受最高指示{:7_726:} 只期望这一天能来的晚些,如果要加个期限,我希望是,一万年{:7_738:} 下到自己盘里的才是真东西{:7_725:} 咋這麼悲吶{:7_738:}{:7_738:}{:7_738:} 我已经不刷了,看开了 还是得去搞几个隐藏站点啊,以备不时之需 本帖最后由 haopingye 于 2013-1-4 13:56 编辑
irredentia (Moderator) :
Regarding the questions which have come up regarding collaboration with archive.org, the Internet Archive.
We've talked to our contact with IA about how and whether they'd like to address a few issues that have come up.
There is no legal precedent for the collaboration between torrent sites and a non-profit digital library, as both types of organizations are new in the context of the legal system. The Internet Archive does not and cannot predict the reaction of the record labels were they to find out about this collaboration. The record labels' reactions to P2P alone have been varied and inconsistent. The Internet Archive's lawyers are comfortable enough with the project to allow it to go forward.
This is not a public initiative, nor is it being promoted on The Internet Archive's website, archive.org. This collaboration is only being acknowledged here at What.CD in order to protect everyone's interests, including the staff and userbase of What.CD. The Internet Archive collects data and metadata, but it does not collect logs and IP addresses of peers.
The staff of What.CD are committed to the preservation of the site, respecting our users' privacy, and defending the interests of this community. The Internet Archive's slogan is "universal access to all knowledge"; when the legal environment around P2P changes to one more friendly to the public domain and collaborative culture, this collaboration will be a valuable resource; What.CD members should view this not only as an accomplishment of The Internet Archive and What.CD, but as their own.
那啥论坛里的这贴不是好久以前的了么…… haopingye 发表于 2013-1-4 00:41 static/image/common/back.gif
所以wh@t前些时间做了意义深远的一件事情,不知道会有多少用户注意过这件事,这理论上保 ...
只是metadata 保存了,所以我觉得和满血复活关系不大……
所以有自己喜欢的东西就快点下吧 本帖最后由 haopingye 于 2013-1-4 14:09 编辑
无论__如何 发表于 2013-1-4 13:59 static/image/common/back.gif
只是metadata 保存了,所以我觉得和满血复活关系不大……
This is not a public initiative, nor is it being promoted on The Internet Archive's website, archive.org. This collaboration is only being acknowledged here at What.CD in order to protect everyone's interests, including the staff and userbase of What.CD. The Internet Archive collects data and metadata, but it does not collect logs and IP addresses of peers.
看各人理解吧... 本帖最后由 落埖涙尐柒 于 2013-1-4 14:25 编辑