本帖最后由 shutude 于 2013-1-2 10:12 编辑seed more的意思是需要我更多的做种上传?
Biggest mistake new users often make? Not understanding how your ratio works. Frankly, it's extremely easy. Your ratio stat is located right under the logo. If the numerial turns orange, then you need to seed more. Red, and your account will be closed soonish, so seed damnit. But if it's green like the herb, you're good to go. We will show no pity to your ignorance if you lose your account from a shitty ratio. But don't worry, it's quite easy to maintain.
Up: 15.25 GBDown: 30.20 GBRatio: 0.50Required: 0.00(好象是因为我注册时间没到2星期,所以这个数字还是0)
Seeding: 314 Leeching: 97 Snatched: 49 这个是神马意思呢?
Amount downloaded Required ratio (0% seeded) Required ratio (100% seeded)
0-10GB 0.00 0.00
10-20GB 0.05 0.00
20-30GB 0.15 0.01
30-40GB 0.20 0.10
40-50GB 0.25 0.15
50-60GB 0.30 0.20
60-100GB 0.40 0.25
100+GB 0.50 0.30
So for example, if you've downloaded 35GB, your required ratio will be somewhere between 0.05 and 0.30.
To get this range of requirements to a more precise number, what we do is take the required ratio (0% seeded) for your download band, multiply it by (1-(seeding/snatched)), and round it up to the required ratio (100% seeded) if need be. Therefore, your required ratio will always lie between the 0% seeded and 100% seeded requirements, depending on the percentage of torrents you are seeding.
In the formula, "snatched" is the number of non-deleted unique snatches (complete downloads) you have made (so if you snatch a torrent twice, it only counts once, and if it is then deleted, it's not counted at all). "Seeding" is the average number of torrents you've seeded over at least 72 hours in the past week. If you've seeded less than 72 hours in the past week, the "seeding" value will go down (which is bad).
Thus, if you have downloaded less than 30GB, and you are seeding 100% of your snatches, you will have no required ratio. If you have downloaded less than 5GB, then no matter what percentage of snatches you are seeding, you will again have no required ratio.
If you stop seeding for an entire week, your required ratio will be the "required ratio (0% seeded)" for your download band. Your required ratio will go down once you start seeding again.
Take note how, as your download increases, the 0% seeded and 100% seeded required ratios begin to taper together. They meet at 100GB of download, meaning that after you've downloaded 100GB, your ratio requirement will be 0.60, no matter what percentage of your snatches you're seeding. Important information you should know
If your ratio does not meet your required ratio, you will be put on ratio watch. You will have two weeks to get your ratio above your required ratio - failure to do so will result in your downloading privileges being automatically disabled.
If you download over 10GB while you're on ratio watch, you will be instantly disabled.
Everyone gets to download their first 10GB before ratio watch kicks in.
To get out of ratio watch, you must either raise your ratio by uploading more, or lower your required ratio by seeding more. Your ratio MUST be above your required ratio.
If you have lost your downloading privileges, your new required ratio will be the 0% seeded ratio. You will re-gain your downloading privileges once your ratio is above that required ratio.
The ratio watch system is completely automatic, and cannot be altered by staff. 分享率=上传/下载{:7_730:} StephenYuea 发表于 2013-1-2 02:39 static/image/common/back.gif
我分享率没问题{:1_89:},只是数字颜色变了 按照字面上意思顏色表示帳號狀況
算是一種提醒功能吧 看意思跟红绿灯差不多吧。红色要挂,绿色OK,橙色提醒多做种吧。
要把分享率变回绿色唯一的方法是提高分享率。 wuxiangfei9 发表于 2013-1-2 09:18 static/image/common/back.gif
橙色是提醒你要注意分享率, ...
PS:主楼更新了一些我的数据和规则说明 本帖最后由 wuxiangfei9 于 2013-1-2 10:52 编辑
Seeding: 314Leeching: 97 Snatched: 49
这。。。难道楼主辅种辅了200+??!!{:7_714:} wuxiangfei9 发表于 2013-1-2 10:48 static/image/common/back.gif
这。。。难道楼主辅种辅 ...
至于这个人数是统计的我正在下载的种子的总体数据,还是我下载过的种子,还是我正在上传种子的数据就不清楚了{:1_81:} 分享率0.5以下就开始提醒要注意,也就是说只要你分享率大于0.5就不会变色了,建议你先养一段时间,这样就没压力了。
Seeding: 314 Leeching: 97 Snatched: 49,这个是种子的情况,有314人正在做种,97下载,49完成,看来是个转载的种子。