what 下载有hr规则吗
rt。what 今天开放免费了,我想问一下what下载种子有hr吗?希望了解规则的朋友告知一下。谢谢。
有,一周内3天 leser 发表于 2012-12-23 14:24 static/image/common/back.gif
真的假的? 给沙发跪了。。。 沙发坑人{:7_714:} kan_tony 发表于 2012-12-23 14:26 static/image/common/back.gif
In this formula, seeding is the average number of torrents you've seeded over a 72 hour period within the last week. If you've seeded a torrent for less than 72 hours within the last week, it will not raise your seeding total. Please note that while it is possible to seed more torrents than you have snatched, the system effectively caps the value at 100% of your snatched amount.
再看一下,好像是不到72小时 seeding值数降低。20G以下不算? leser 发表于 2012-12-23 14:24 static/image/common/back.gif
能截图不? 没有…………
嗯…………记不清了,反正下的东西不删留着是有好处的 哥们,不好意思,刚才回复太草率了,
Ratio Rules里面
In this formula, seeding is the average number of torrents you've seeded over a 72 hour period within the last week. If you've seeded a torrent for less than 72 hours within the last week, it will not raise your seeding total. Please note that while it is possible to seed more torrents than you have snatched, the system effectively caps the value at 100% of your snatched amount.
这条和HR有一点点类似,大概是呼吁你不要随便撤种,不过没有那么严格 没有,我有不少种子没下完就删除了。 你说的是what cd吗?有网址吗?