菠萝瑶 发表于 2012-11-29 12:32:24

GazelleGame Finally Another Prize

So after a long lull, we finally have another winner! Congrats Unwelcome! You have won a custom title for making post 129 in the CTRL + V thread!

Just a quick run down of the comp for all you new guys!

Prizes Left:
5x Custom Title
2x Temp VIP 1 Month
250GB Upload Credit
25GB Upload Credit

Alpha Protocol and a Custom Title
Paradox Fantasy Pack
Fallout New Vegas incl. Dead Money and Honest Heart's DLC's
Elder Scroll IV: Oblivion GOTY
Monday Night Combat and 10GB
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Prize: Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition
Nuclear Dawn

2x Mystery Box

So ya, there are ALOT left! So do get posting in the forums if you haven't already been and go win some awesome prizes!

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