HDcity:Think twice before you update your utorrent client software!
The new version of uTorrent (>=3.2.2) is known NOT compatible with our tracker system, it could NOT be recognized therefore no connection could be made. We are working to fix this problem, and during this period, continue to use stable version < 3.2 is recommended. Legacy versions archived herehttp://www.hdcity.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=55 . Sorry about any inconvenience.已知 uTorrent 的新版本(3.2.2 及更新)与我们的服务器不兼容,无法识别并建立用户连接。我们正在加紧更新进程,在此期间,建议保持原来的 ut 稳定版本不要更新。为此对市民造成的不便表示抱歉。旧版本存档可参考此帖 http://www.hdcity.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=55 。
感谢告知,用旧版妥妥的{:7_739:} hdcity换图标了? kan_tony 发表于 2012-11-16 20:26 static/image/common/back.gif
{:7_716:}看着别扭.. 一直用2.04 boluoyao 发表于 2012-11-16 20:30 static/image/common/back.gif
我也看着不习惯 新的用着不舒服啊{:7_706:} 这就是各个站不同了,喜欢hdcity这点。就应该跟上时代。 一直2.02的飘过~~~~ 別的站真的都沒事,就hdcity逼着我換回去了...