sdbits 万圣节freeleech
Seedboxes - 20/10/12The start of the Halloween free leech will also be the start of our new seedbox policy.Starting 12:01am Oct. 26th all free leech and special bonuses will no longer apply to seedboxes.Users will still accrue bonus points for seeding, but all torrents will impact your ratio at their full normal cost.Please note that whining, crying, bitching, complaining, etc. will not change this decision.It's nearly Halloween!!! - 20/10/12You know what that means.We'll be doing our annual Free Leech on all horror movie torrents, but this year we are also going to give double upload credit for them as well.This applies to new horror torrents that are added to the site during the celebration.The celebration will begin at 12:01am on Oct. 26th and will last until 11:59 Oct. 31st.Start digging through those dusty DVDs on your shelf for some great horror titles and earn yourself some upload credit.
套套哥也是收割机啊 这站时不时就down一下 仰望一下。。。 我在犹豫到底要不要刷一下呢 {:7_706:} 搭车:天朝本地好下载上传么 这站没我啥事…… {:7_725:}无号路过 围观收割套{:7_755:} 你妹,这站终于能连上了,昨天和前天一直连不上 无号不了解,各种羡慕! 无号啊。。。伤不起。。。楼主加油拉 感谢告知 只能看看{:7_738:} 感谢告知!!