TranceTraffic 全站free!!!! !
出了开放注册之外, TT现在也是全站free的,虽然种子旁边没有写明Free,但是的确是免费的,有几个大包已经很多人在刷,大家赶紧的!{:7_706:}LZ有心了,感谢提醒~ 好消息呀,谢谢提醒~ 楼主是有心人 感谢告知,Free到周末后结束(不确定是哪个时区)
“Free Leech will end at the end of the weekend. After that time, you are on your own and your ratio will begin to take into account your downloading.” 123ABD 发表于 2012-10-21 02:03 static/image/common/back.gif
哦,放不下全段,应该是“Free Leech will end at the end of the weekend. After that time, you are on your own and your ratio will begin to take into account your downloading.” 感谢告知 晕,不能注册了啊!!{:7_714:} 感谢告知。
{:7_755:} 还是小心点,要是突然不免费就高校了 怎么说开放注册呢 free
没有开放注册吧 昨晚还不知道,都不敢下,相当坑爹{:7_735:} fttjun 发表于 2012-10-21 09:04 static/image/common/back.gif
现在已经关闭了 Native Instruments Komplete系列
好像没动静了 刷不动 感谢告知哦,系统说我的连接有问题啊{:7_745:} 已经关闭注册了