SuperTorrents.orgis currently down due to what is becoming less of a raid and more PRQ being bad at support.We are waiting on PRQ to reconnect an IPMI interface on the server so thatit can decrypt the hard drives and boot. The interface was disconnected for some unknown reason during the police raid on Monday, and PRQ is taking 2-3 days to respond to any support tickets regarding the issue.
ETA is still unknown but we will hopefully be back soon.
You can join IRC for discussion.
大意是暂时关闭吧,谷歌一下 N天前就是这样了 超级种子一片红…… 啊三小哥哥 发表于 2012-10-6 23:01N天前就是这样了
我是刚刚登录才发现的 llmlimlmm 发表于 2012-10-6 23:06超级种子一片红……
这站我记得好像支持ipv6 都几天了 yinhengtom 发表于 2012-10-6 23:14 static/image/common/back.gif
一直都不是很了解这个新一代IP地址的只能无视了……呵呵 感谢分享