Invites will be open sporadically, denoted in the header by red, emphasised text. Invites are not delivered instantly. Do not bother staff about undelivered invites until at least 24 hours have passed and you made sure you didn't send it to one of the domains below.Invites destined for bluebottle, tiscali.nl, hccnet.nl, telfort.nl, or comcast.net domains will never arrive due to problems on their end. Do NOT send invites to them. They will never arrive. Invites are known to work for Google Mail, Yahoo, Hush, Hotmail/Live, Verizon, Cox, Qwest, Telstra, Rogers, and Demon addresses.
本帖最后由 g3733738 于 2012-3-26 23:12 编辑
下面是邀请作用的 Google Mail, Yahoo, Hush, Hotmail/Live, Verizon, Cox, Qwest, Telstra, Rogers, and Demon addresses
叫你注意点而已.LZ还有饼干的邀请啊,好羡慕,没硬逼求哦 bluebottle, tiscali.nl, hccnet.nl, telfort.nl, or comcast.net domains will never arrive due to problems on their end
這句整個看不懂.... 大概意思是发了邀请以后如果对方没收到24小时之内不要pm管理员询问,同时告诉你有些人收不到邀请,有的邮箱可以收到邀请。并未说今天不可以再发邀请。 我的126也能收華夫餅干的邀請,只是還不知怎麼生存,樓主傳下經驗啦 johnshit 发表于 2012-3-26 23:20 static/image/common/back.gif
bluebottle, tiscali.nl, hccnet.nl, telfort.nl, or comcast.net domains will never arrive due to probl ...
这些都是网络服务提供商.你发邀请就只发gmail的邮箱就行了 {:7_755:}都解决了 求生存之道,太难混了{:7_727:} 这个站就是拼盒子了 不用拼BOX吧