Born to Seed took on new Sysop, "Crong".
First of all, I really appreciate that previous Sysop “Shyguy” took care of this tracker well during about five years.
And we’ll remember that “semaster” and “zoonum” worked various things for this tracker.
“Shyguy”, “semaster”, and “zoonum” will stay Legend class in this tracker.
New sysop and moderator of BTS are as follows:
- Sysop: Crong
- Moderator: LOUiS
As you know, 'LOUiS' was the uploader of BTS.
We’ll run BTS with our passion and will always collect your opinions for this tracker.
Our first plans are as follows:
A. Free Leech
At late January, BTS started Free-Leech but the server was down because of some attacks.
We are planning to do Free-Leech once again during following periods.
Free-Leech scheduled Date: Sun., Feb. 19, 00:00 - Mon., Feb. 20, 23:59 (Korea Time: GMT +9)
It is scheduled to have a server down about two hours before the start of Free-Leech
Free-leech may be stopped more earlier depending on server-load.
B. Delete duplicate accounts
Duplicate accounts, voluntary reporting period: Sun, February 19 - Fri, February 24
In terms of maintenance, we are planning to delete duplicate accounts in this tracker.
Before deleting duplicate accounts, we are respecting that you’ll report that voluntarily.
If you don’t report, duplicate accounts will be deleted.
C. Maintain the rules of this tracker
We’ll maintain and modify the rules of BTS and put it into English.
Before modifying the rules, we’ll collect your opinions about BTS.
Anything is good. Just use ‘Suggestion’ board of forum menu.
We are starting to managing BTS and there may be some mistakes at first time.
I hope that you understand these mistakes and remember we’re always hearing your opinion.
Thank you.
Crong 管理层换届呀
哈哈 不管怎样,我都是支持的哟 呵呵,要换管理啦,也不知是怎么样… 呵呵,木号的飘过。任他们去吧,嘿嘿{:7_734:} 我倒是想去建议下 可连接否也能下载 不过 估计也不会采纳... 本帖最后由 ime12 于 2012-2-12 23:45 编辑
We’ll maintain and modify the rules of BTS and put it into English.{:7_735:}
又上不去了,这个站怎么这么变态,有谁知道新的ip的告知一下,那个查询ip的网站我也上不去了{:7_742:}{:7_742:} 没号的,路过 还没进去过呢
感谢楼主发贴告知! 哎,不知酱油党会不会被BAN~~~ 感谢楼主发贴告知! 感谢楼主告知 感谢楼主发贴告知! 感谢楼主发贴告知! 我才不去呢, 没号支持一下吧 这个是什么网站?我孤陋寡闻了,没听说过呀。 我很想註冊這個站點但沒機會