BTN 24小时 2x上传。
本帖最后由 disliketel 于 2012-1-16 12:14 编辑That Christmas stuff was still on the homepage.. (It's ES' fault).
As we're sure you're all aware, we had an issue with one of our hosts over the past week or so. Some members were unable to log into BTN (you had to accept an invalid https cert or use http), whilst some had to endure a site missing a few images
We're back 100% now and as a little gift to you, the members; 24 hours of 2x upload!
We were also sad to hear that a long time TV Tracker community closed down in this past week. All TVTz members have been granted the opportunity to join us here at BTN.
If you have a friend that was a TVTz member and is interested in joining BTN, please direct them to our IRC network on and join #BTN-TvTz-Refuge.
And a belated Happy New Year to everyone! Let 2012 be the year we make the transition from being a good TV tracker, to a great one.
//BTN Staff
目前已经过了19 hours and 17 minutes了, 不过还有时间,大家要抓紧了。
{:7_701:}要那么多上传有啥用 感谢楼主发贴告知! 感谢楼主发贴告知! 没号啊,伤心。。。。。。。 感谢楼主发贴告知! 感谢楼主发贴告知!
没号的路过 目前最想进的站,,,就是BTN 哈哈,水水更健康! 晕死,看到这个消息的时候只剩下3小时了。。。。 感谢楼主发贴告知! 这个站也不错啊,已经有很多PT站号了。 感谢楼主发贴告知! 这是哪里啊 哈哈,水水更健康!
虽然我没号 感谢楼主发贴告知! 现在PT站满天飞,我们局外人根本就不知道内站有些什么东西,头都昏了,能发点内容来看看不,如果都是些当下最火的片子的话那就没什么意思了, 这个站是哪国的剧啊? 感谢楼主发贴告知!