CE & Neptoons & Nordic-T:再见,同志们!
Nordic-T:停止P2P服务,专注于社区,尤其是丹麦语版块。CE:After three years CoExist has closed it's doors. We started the first ratio-less music tracker, and at our peak we were at 7k users and almost 10k torrents; not bad for a small community focused tracker. However, after an attacker deleted our site and used our server to send out phishing infected trojan emails designed to steal people's bitcoins, we had no choice but to close the doors. In addition to that our backups were also compromised, so with reluctance and a heavy heart, we have decided to close the site.
Neptoons:原因未知,现在访问网站已经是domain not found。
iRC Topic:* Now talking in #neptoons
* Topic is 'Welcome to NeptOOns Site Closed Down '
Server: irc.dejatoons.net
Channel: #neptoons
谢谢分享!{:3_239:} 哇塞,一个周末关了3个。。。 {:5_395:}这个。。。 唉……一声叹息 谢谢分享。。。。。。。。 谢谢分享~ 好不容易才进的CE.都没感受到快乐就没了. 感谢分享信息 唉 但愿不要发生在我心爱的PT站上,CHD一定要坚挺啊 饿这样的啊。。。。 最近攻件真的很多。TTG也在迎戰中吧... 可怜的站~一路好走~ 无奈啊 什么情况,怎么说没就没啊! 都没号,小站关了也正常。 脆弱的PT站啊,就这样没了 这三个全部都未进入过 不过任何一个站点只要经营后官方突然宣布关站还是有些遗憾的 竞争残酷 ~~ 慢慢PT是不是都要禁止了