Hello, HD2PT members,I wanna make a requestofBibliotik invite. I have been looking for this invite for more than two months,
but still not get one. I am a college student whose major is Medical Image Processing and I will
get my Master's degree in less than four months. In most of my time, I need read a lot of books about
medical knowledge and computer science.I almost work with computer every day and form the habits of
reading books on computer.
And from HD2PT and my friends, I know Bibliotik is a tracker dedicated to eLearning material. So Bibliotik will
help me a lot. I have looked for a Bibliotik invite form the persons who had Bibliotik account,but unluckily they
are not power users and can not send an invite.
I hope someone will help me, I also have collected a lot of ebooks to share. For other trackers, I also have and keep a good ratio,
such as HD-torrents,HDChina,FunFile,GFT and PTN. If you want, I will send you my profile links.
Thanks for your time and consideration. 这个貌似真的不好求,等大牛了 祝你好运,哥们,我刚刚进去,论坛经常有大神出没,很快就会有的。 这个还真需要大控来 外国友人?{:2_106:} 很具有中国风的ENGLISH,专业是不是医疗影像学,很给力哦~祝楼主好运拿到邀请~ 没听说过,或者是学术、资料站 这个有点专业了。。。。。。。 期待大牛的出现 {:3_691:}{:3_304:}{:3_147:}{:3_237:}{:3_309:} 一年前加入的,不过没邀请,帮不上忙...帮顶了~ 继续等待大牛~ 继续等待~~~ I'd rather use ddl forums. Abundant and Fast. ddl mean direct download......check this out! 继续等待~~~ go on waiting!{:2_102:} 继续!~~~~ 继续等待老大~~~ 今天再过来看看{:2_102:}