Pedro's BTMusic:幽灵行动在线版的封测KEY可以换100G上传和3个邀请
I'd like to announce my personal bounty: 100GB to the buffer and 3 invites for a person who will provide me with a legit, working Ghost Recon Online Beta key. Note that those keys cannot be purchased and are given away by Ubisoft at random, so this isn't a dirty stunt of any kind.Looking forward to allocating those free GBs and invites to a kind soul out there willing to help me out. Thanks! 木有看懂哦 木有Pedro's BTMusic邀请 这个管理员真是。。。。得罪了不少了啊 这个东西上哪弄啊???我平时就没玩过这款游戏..... 什么情况啊? 这都可以~ 话说当初我怎么没要一个呢 呵呵,这个很有新意 洋文,,,,,看不懂的 可惜我木有啊。 这是以权谋私啊 对音乐没有那么喜欢的 很强大。。。。。谢谢分享。。。。。。。。。。 外国的PT么 不知道被谁摘了去没.