is closing
Site will be closing here soon the seed server will go offline on the 15th midnight but the web server will be up untill the 22nd and if user's are still seeding the torrents you are trying to finish downloading you will be able to. But the website will go offline on the 22nd for good. Content will be uploaded to the end. BTW if anyone knows of another apple encode site please lets us all know so the dedicated user's of appletv have a new home to go to.
感谢楼主分享信息 楼主的国外消息真多。。。。支持一下 谢谢你的告知了, 感谢楼主分享!! 原来是听说专门发布itunes、apple tv等这些渠道的资源,所以注册了这个站,后来就一直酱油着。作为做apple资源的站点来说设计真不怎么样,界面难看,排版又乱,没有好的设计,追求apple资源的人会喜欢这里吗?里面的资源又参差不齐,不仔细看都不知道哪些是0day的哪些是apple的,真心让人没有下载的欲望。 thanks for your info. thanks for your sharing 这个站点不咋滴啊 感谢楼主分享信息{:5_402:} 看了大家的介绍还是不收了。。。 谢谢楼主分享信息