You MUST seed the torrent to the required amounts within 2 weeks or you will recieve a warning or even a ban.
大概就是一旦有H&R 下下来的种就必须做种至少2周,否则警告
Starting now:
1) any user with more than 30 H&Rs, that has not made a reasonable attempt to reduce this amount will be immediately banned.
2) any user with 10 or more H&Rs will be warned, and their leeching privileges removed. They will have 2 weeks to correct any H&Rs they may have. If this means obtaining the files from somewhere else to be able to re-seed then this is what is expected.
3) any user with between 1 and 9 H&Rs consider this your warning - you have 1 month to fix them.
In Addition to the above:
4) any user with H&Rs, that does not have a reasonable amount of seed-time for the age of their account, and amount downloaded willbe banned.
5) any user that falls into one or more of the above categories that also INCREASES their H&Rs will be banned.
貌似H&R可以比原来多啊。。 回复 butforever 的帖子
看着意思 应该是原来允许有多个H&R现在不允许 而且只能减不能增~
没有号的飘过。。。 这么严了...{:2_125:} 哦。。。谢谢分享~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 這是新的規則
那要好好注意一下 我的理解是如果你因为做种时间不够(单集24小时、剧集包120小时)的原因吃了H&Rs,如果在2个星期内不通过做种做足单集24小时、剧集包120小时的要求来削除这些H&Rs,那么管理员会按照你这2星期内吃了多少H&Rs来给不同的惩罚。
做种时间其实没变还是24小时和120小时,并没要求至少2周 。 没有压力的路过、、、反正电脑7X24开机、、、 {:2_101:}多谢分享!! 俺没hr过,应该没事吧 多谢楼主分享H&R出新规 回复 eliotsnipes 的帖子
还不曾发生HR 过。但是常发生做种很久了,记录的做种时间还是不足。
any user with H&Rs, that does not have a reasonable amount of seed-time for the age of their account, and amount downloaded willbe banned.
这个谁给我翻译一下啊。。。什么意思?做种时间和用户注册时间相当,是什么意思 ? 謝謝樓主分享~{:2_99:} 8;楼正解真服了LZ的英语水平 没有号的表示毫无压力 FREEleech的站,当然需要一定的管理机制来进行保种。很正常。 我没有问题,就是做种 谢谢楼主分享消息