lifebit:track change
LifeBit has decided to change tracker to a .php based instead of the XBT used today!This change recuires some actions from you as a user to continue to seed or leeche your ongoing torrents.
If you have "red" or dead torrents in your client you need to do the following
either you need to re download the torrent from our page or change tracker announce url
you can find your new tracker announce urlHERE
old announce :
New announce url :
Your passcode is the same from old announce to new announce!
Do you need help with the change? drop by irc or shout box at our page and we wil help you
We are sorry for the interuption this has for you, but we are setting security very high for you wellbeeing.
~LifeBit Staff~ 回复 daizi 的帖子
有木有开放丫?? 这是个什么类型的站啊,全是英文看不懂 国外的养不起啊,哈哈 这是啥站点?生活类的? 感谢楼主分享信息 感谢楼主分享信息 peng521321 发表于 2011-7-25 10:51 static/image/common/back.gif
回复 daizi 的帖子
加入irc 体几张图 给几个链接 就可以拿到邀请滴
谢谢楼主分享信息 回复 skychat 的帖子
这个,谢谢LZ的帖子了。 谢谢楼主提供宝贵信息!~