本帖最后由 purbam 于 2011-6-29 10:12 编辑前天收到个涨价声明,今天账单没等到,反而彻底连不上了?连www.hostrail.com都连不上?
是我的网络问题吗? {:1_81:}我的也是。。。 不会是hostrail付不起涨价费用,直接卷款跑路了吧{:1_81:} 难道真的跑路了?到现在还没好 是不是每个月总有那么几天。。。。。。 本帖最后由 purbam 于 2011-6-29 10:12 编辑
Dear HostRail Customers,
I have personally tried all possibilities in order to (a) provide customers with 24 hours or even less to take backups of data or (b) sell the company.
Unfortunately i was unable to reach into an agreement with LimeStoneNetworks which was my main concentration as i was aiming to provide customers with time to get backups of their site. Even the solution of me putting a personal guarantee on the debt doesn't seem like a solution and doesn't look like this will get accepted although this hasn't been rejected.
I have also been unable to reach into an agreement to sell the company to anyone.
HostRail always provided a cheap service, a service that is not really sustainable in the long run. The problems that hit us during April caused us to make a large loss that is affecting us still in many ways.
To conclude as of 28th June 2011 8pm EEST HostRail and C & C Advanced Online Services Ltd is officially closed.
I would like to thank everyone that supported us and would like to apologize for the large inconvenience this has caused you.
Due to my own personal problems i will be unavailable here in Facebook for some days now. purbam 发表于 2011-6-29 10:10 static/image/common/back.gif
Dear HostRail Customers,
居然连backup都没有 太可恶了 哎!悲剧呀,找个性价比合适的不容易呀 帮楼主测试一下网址,确实进不了 我也收到了,跑路了,还好亏的不多。 看来以后买vps或者seedbox还是月付好呀,按季或者年付虽然省点钱但不靠谱呀 我还有2个60G的,都用不了,崩溃了! 还好,我还没买VPS。 靠,还有这等事情 。。。外国垃圾也不少 kao 两刀就这么没了 幸亏当初没买这家的…… 真的吗?不知道楼主损失大不大。 这样也行,是个人网站吗?不是公司行为? 真悲催 同情一下lz 不知道怎么回事儿哟!!