We Did It! Site-Wide FL - posted 11 hours and 33 mins agoWe Did It.
Another year is ahead of us. It's always incredible to me how we are able to pull together as a community to keep this place alive. With our $, I have now purchased our new server which will now be slowly updated with our data for our RC3 release. We will also use a portion of these funds to obtain a legitimate SSL certificate for site security. To all of you who supported the site, thank you. I'll drink to that.
For now, enjoy the site-wide FL. What do you think, 48 hours? Have fun.
Friendly reminder: The hit and run rules still apply when freeleech is in effect. You are expected to seed what you snatch for a minimum of 72 hours within 14 days of completion or otherwise to a ratio of 1:1 - whichever comes first. 木有这个站的账号,只能羡慕嫉妒恨啊 本帖最后由 xxwkof 于 2011-6-27 13:03 编辑
{:2_104:}前几天还在担心buffer不够呢.... 这是个好站 活下来太好了 对此站不是很了解! 现在才过半年 整年的营運费已足了啊 ......... PT发展很火啊{:2_99:} 感谢楼主分享信息 不了解,不过还是很高兴啊。PT站靠捐献就可以存活,在天朝有点难实现。 非常想要这个站的账号
帖子可惜是一堆拼音,看不懂啊!{:3_153:} 国外站?
暂时不考虑了。。国内的混好了再说了。。 给力的消息,非常喜欢的站点。 谢谢,先注册吧!!
sunzt88于2011-6-27 15:22补充以下内容:
谢谢,先注册吧!! 好消息啊!这个站很好的,我得好好养起!喜欢古典音乐的不爱打酱油的,可以短消息我求邀请哈 对此站不是很了解! 先恭喜囉~
弱弱问一句,这个站是什么站? http://www.gebi1.com/thread-11707-1-3.html
封神榜我有介绍…… 真是好消息啊~看来有号的人有福了