Great Things Ahead - posted 19 hours agoWe're sorry that we've not been great with the updates lately. With so much going on, and not wanting to spoil anything for you, the updates have been a little... Well non-existant.
But this does not in any way mean that nothing has been happening. Far from it! So much has been going on behind the scenes, and we can't wait to share it with the users of PWN. Without ruining the surprise, we're just going to say that PWN is going to be the place to be. Without dropping a deadline (I hate dealines) - We're just going to say soon. No, not "soon" like the end of the world, or Christmas. Much much sooner.
Well I'm gonna stop writing, and work on getting things to you even faster! Just keep checking back for updates. You'll know when it's here .
我们没有最后期限,我也很不喜欢 -- 我们只会说很快。。不是世界末日那天也不是圣诞节,而是就这些天。
随时关注我们的更新吧,你会知道是什么时候的。 该贴已经同步到 sherry的微博 感谢楼主分享信息。。辛苦啦 回复 ydison 的帖子
这位兄弟水的不行了 木有看懂{:2_99:} 这是个外站吧?暂时还只能混内站。。 木有号,学习英文和翻译了,哈哈,感谢分享 感谢楼主分享~~~ 謝謝樓主分享訊息~{:2_99:} 感谢LZ分享信息~国外站,遥望之~ 更新后会开放注册伐? 謝謝樓主分享訊息~