The end of the world isn't nigh after all! - posted4 hours agoWe're still here!
Well, it's the end of the day, and it looks like the world's still around.Boy, do I feel embarrassed!Well, at least now I've got this great hole in my roof.I think I can convert it to a skylight without too many problems.Anyway, seeing as we're still around, feel free to enjoy the freeleech in celebration, and stock up on good shows to watch, now that we've got a whole other year until the next end-of-the-world!Freeleech will end midnight GMT on Sunday, May 22.
PS:末日说出自Ezekiel 33:3,即旧约中的《以西结书》33章第3节。 末日怎么说耶稣再临?呵呵 久不久就会有些人出来这样说。 天下没有不散的宴席
唉! 谢谢楼主分享信息 谢谢楼主提供信息,那号怎么办呀~~ 谢谢楼主分享消息 上去看看 這站幾有意思,謝謝消息.
要关闭了?看不懂啊 要关闭了,呵呵,都是浮云 神马都是浮云,这站资源强多吗? 感谢楼主 ,现在就去看看 终究会有关闭的一天 鞠躬~~~~~~~~~!!!