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本帖最后由 pockchop 于 2011-5-20 18:12 编辑"Well folks, it's been a good run, but as it turns out, the end of the world is coming.I know that I can speak for all of the staff members here in saying that all you guys have been fantastic, we couldn't have had such a great site for as long as we have without you, and if it weren't for the end of the world, we'd keep it going for a long time.Now, personally, I'm going to busy myself building a Rapture Hatch in my roof, but for all the rest of you, the entire site is now FREELEECH!Get it while you can, while the world still exists!(by which I mean: get it before it's hot!)" google 翻译
一直想进,申请不过,55555 谢谢楼主分享信息 木有账号 泪奔 {:2_110:} 都没什么人下载,freeleech也提升不了多少buffer 上次申请了一下,木有通过,回复的意思是我的申请没有详细回答。 当初申请写好了一直未发,犹豫了N久,最终还是决定放弃……
PS:Google翻译的很疼啊。 the end of the world is coming。无号的人淡定的飘过…… 本帖最后由 pockchop 于 2011-5-20 20:15 编辑
站内片种没中文字幕,不进也罢,国内大站之记录片都不弱啊! 求网址...搜不到入口 google翻译的吗。。。。。。 多谢楼主提供的信息。 一直没收申请通过! 感谢楼主 ,现在就去看看 还开放注册不?很想知道。