Hello as you see here is our current member countRegistered Users 3562/5000 .Now the site will automatically quit taking signups when we reach 5000 active users.As you know if you do not login to the site at least every 90 days your account is deleted for inactivity,
We have been at around the same user count as the inactive being deleted are about the same amount signing up.
The staff at Twilight would like to have the site close its open signups so they have came up with an idea to increase our membership.
All members have been issued 3 more invites.
If you have a friend or someone you know and give them an invite and they are confirmed you will receive 500 bonus points for every new user you invite.If you invite a friend please contact the staff with the user name or have the person you invited contact the staff and they will update your bonus points once they confirm the information.
Please help us fill the site up so we become a closed community and thank you for being a member of the Twilight community :)
The Twilight Staff 这是什么PT 谢谢楼主分享信息 先不注册了{:2_104:} 楼主混国外站很有心得啊。 希望版主可以对站点作一个简介。更加希望有邀请权的朋友散下邀请。好让没号的我们有机会
谢谢分享,还是先混好国内的吧~ 楼主混国外站不错啊,偶还没有混到国外呢,先观望吧。 这么爽啊。。。。。。。。
能不能简单说一下什么站。。。分不好赚啊。。谢谢 人数限定的很少啊null
英语,不懂啊!等待再学习! 目前开放注册...... 唉……如今这大站一号难求,发邀请都限制,小站发一堆邀请,白送都没人要。 多谢楼主分享信息 唉……如今这大站一号难求,发邀请都限制,小站发一堆邀请,白送都没人要。同感 回复 御剑乘风 的帖子