Digitalhive Birthday Bash!
Site Wide Freeleech:Everything on the site will be freeleech starting at 11pm EST 5/5/2011 and end 12am EST 5/9/2011. We also have a challenge for the DH users during this time period, if we get 1000 users in irc we will extend freeleech an extra day, if we hit 1200 same deal and if we get 1500 users in irc we will extend it by a total of 3 days! That's an entire week of freeleech!
IRC Raffle:
In addition to the Freelech we will also be holding an IRC raffle! The raffle consists of 1000 tickets, it costs 250mb of upload data to buy a ticket, 1 ticket per person. Tickets will go on sale at 12:00am EST 5/6/2011, the raffle begins after the 1000th ticket is purchased, over 500gb in total prizes! In order to buy a ticket type !raffle on #digitalhive main channel. GET YOUR TICKET NOW!
不知道是啥站的飘过,感谢分享{:2_106:} 他们活动还真丰富哈哈 对外国的PT站和IRC 还觉得很遥远...... 也不知道是什么站。。。 500G,好丰厚的奖励哦。 本帖最后由 why871 于 2011-5-6 17:38 编辑
谢谢提醒,已经进irc了,顺便熟悉熟悉irc,type !raffle on #digitalhive main channel,7号1点吧,去碰碰运气 不知道啥站,外文压力好大。 要是开放就更好了。{:2_102:} 可惜没开放 又一国外站 纯支持.... 支持一下。。别无他意 感谢分享信息、、 这站从进去就挂IRC 挂了些天感觉很无聊就没挂了 从来没下过一点东西 比较纠结 有这个站~过去看看~多谢了~O(∩_∩)O~ 木有听说过……还是感谢分享! 可惜,来晚了,对体育有兴趣 多谢分享信息。。 路过吧 不注册了............ 感谢楼主分享 马上上去看看