是不是挂了?好慢啊有时能连上 连上了CSS又加载不上
It works!
Okay, so may it isn't working yet, but we did fix the originial problem. We are currently diagnosing an (so far) unrelated network issue that has brought our ability to manage the systems to a grinding halt. Please be aware that this is no cause for alarm, the database is perfectly intact, the servers have not been compromised in any way, this is merely unplanned maintenance and diagonstics. As of right now there is no ETA but we are hoping to have things resolved as soon as possible.
In the mean time, listen to some music. Or go outside, enjoy the world. We'll be back soon.
刚刚看到这个 是的,一直登陆不上去啊 山贼甲 发表于 2011-5-3 07:17 static/image/common/back.gif
只是中加线路抽风。 好像已經恢復了唷
真的是掛了蠻久的 现在恢复了
昨天的确是挂了。。 恢复了 现在就firefox能上去 现在好了吧~~呵呵{:1_89:} 我一般去看看,自己有没被BAN{:2_106:} 没号的无奈的飘过! {:3_298:}现在都上不到。 传说中的盒子吗,有机会我也用一下 怎么回复都有个框框了。。 回复 justmagical08 的帖子
刚刚发现 不过挺好看啊